
weekly: 2-9-11

Hey Peeps!

Here's all the news that fit to e-print!

We're about ready to start our "Just Bring your Bible" session with Rick going over Sunday's sermon on Luke. It's not too late to join!

Discovery Class is happen' Sunday March 13th from 12:30-1:30. You can register online at:
Also see, "why discovery?"

We've got a trip to Pulay Guatemala scheduled for April 9th-17th and are in the midst of fund-raising for our project there. We are building a kitchen in their school. This will help provide sponsored kids with at least one 'balanced' meal a day. Read more about our efforts on the "party in Pulay" page.

We're still holding auditions for the worship team. If you've got a love of music and worship you can download a copy of the application here.

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