

Hey Church! We need your help! We are looking for someone who is a structural engineer and can take our drawing of our new road-side sign and do a wind test rating on it. We need to have this done in order for Happy Valley to approve a new sign for Sunnyside Road. If you are a S.E. or know one, please email derik@eastridgechurch.org with your mad-wind-testing skills!

Check out Youversion.com, an interactive bible study site from a sister covenant church. Choose from several reading plans and keep track of them, read
commentaries and notes on your daily scripture reading, invite friends to journey with you!

Please continue to keep your thoughts and prayers in Japan as they work to rebuild what's been lost. Pray for the people who are left behind, that they would find comfort and hope! You can read more about what the Covenant Denomination is doing to aid people in Japan by clicking here.

I'll leave you with this less known saying from the Breastplate of Saint Patrick.

Christ be with me
Christ before me
Christ behind me
Christ in me
Christ beneath me
Christ above me
Christ on my right
Christ on my left
Christ where I lie
Christ where I sit
Christ where I arise
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me
Christ in every eye that sees me
Christ in every ear that hears me
Salvation is of the Lord.

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